Photo Plus

Super Test: SLRS for starters

Everybody has to start their EOS SLR journey somewhere, but where? Matthew Richards reveals the best SLRS for beginners


Where to start your journey as a Canon photograph­er, every beginner-friendly Canon EOS DSLR tested

Buying your first Canon EOS SLR can be a daunting prospect when you’re making the step up from using a cheap compact camera (or relying on a basic smartphone camera) to take photos. How many magical moments have been lost forever, because a camera phone failed to autofocus in time, or there was too much lag between the shutter button being pressed and image capture? Performanc­e is crucial. You need a camera that you can rely on, that has predictabl­e handling and efficiency. And that’s exactly what you get with one of the latest entry-level Canon SLRS. To newbies, ‘proper’ cameras can appear frightfull­y complicate­d. Thankfully, Canon has made great strides in simplifyin­g the whole process and user experience. All of the SLRS that we’ve chosen for this Super Test have ‘intelligen­t’ fully automatic modes that respond to wide-ranging shooting scenarios and subjects, along with dedicated scene modes for easily getting great results in tricky situations.

Just because a camera is simple to use, it doesn’t have to be basic. An SLR that’s suitable for absolute beginners should also be able to grow with you. It should feature all the controls and adjustable settings that you’ll come to rely on, as you learn new skills and techniques. It’s another area in which Canon SLRS excel, but some more than others. Let’s take a closer look at what’s on offer from Canon’s entry-level EOS SLR line-up...

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