Photo Plus



Be curious

Photograph­ers should always possess a degree of curiosity as that winning shot could be just around the next corner or through that open doorway.

Step out of your comfort zone

Get creative and try experiment­ing with different techniques to mix up the images you are shooting. it will allow you to get more out of a location and keep you motivated.

Have a plan

When time is limited it is always worth having a plan of action, especially for the optimum shooting times, such as golden or blue hours.

Have a plan B

the weather doesn’t always go our way so you should always have an idea of what or where you can shoot in bad weather – both indoors or outdoors.

Look around

don’t limit yourself to just the iconic sites in a city. Keep your eyes open for things such as quirky street art, interestin­g building interiors and abstract architectu­re, as well as new vantage points.

Day and Night

try shooting at various times of the day. during the day cities are busy with shoppers, commuters and traffic, while in the evening building and street lighting can completely transform a city.

A city for all seasons

try visiting a city at different times of a year. a damp and dreary city in winter can lend itself to a compelling storytelli­ng image every bit as much as one bathed in summer sunshine.

Festivals and events

Look out for events or activities that take place in your town or city. these often have great photograph­ic potential, so consider timing your visit to take in one of these.

Prime only

if you find yourself shooting the same thing over and over again, spend a day in that same location with just a prime lens attached to your camera – you will look at things very differentl­y.

Use your feet

the best way to explore any town or city is on foot and with your camera at the ready. you never know when that photo opportunit­y will present itself.

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