Photo Plus

Raw emotion

A collection of rock photos that convey all the emotions and atmosphere of series of a full-throttle gigs in a different light


Since becoming an amateur photograph­er, I have been trying to build up my skills by adapting myself to different types of photograph­y. I started out with a passion for aviation photograph­y in 2014, as I’d been interested in aircraft since I was about two years old. Since then I’ve tried out all sorts of genres, including football photograph­y at a local soccer club, children’s parties and landscapes. However, my favourite work has to be gig photograph­y, as I am really into the rock and metal scene.

By gaining a press pass, I can access all areas of the venue and get to the best spots. To prepare for a shoot, I assess the venue and stage when I arrive, then put a plan of action into place. There’s plenty to think about, as every venue, crowd and show are different. For example, some venues don’t have barriers, and so you have to consider this as you don’t want to be knocked into by a fan for that badly blurred shot! Crowds are generally good with me if there are no barriers. Once they see me there with the camera they let me through with no problems, and the gigs I have been to have all had a nice crowd. When the band are on I like to move around looking for the right angle, use the lights to my advantage and also look for any stage smoke to create effects relevant to the song or moment.

The main challenge in this kind of photograph­y is obviously the limited light levels, and my method is to use a wide aperture, high ISO and a burst of the shutter. My main goal is to surpass myself after each event, as I constantly strive to improve. I really want my photos to stand out from the crowd.

I move around for the right angle, use the lights to my advantage and look for smoke to create effects relevant to the moment

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