Photo Plus

Sitting on the dock of the Bay Area

Capturing the spirit of a city that’s about more than Comic Con


Iam an artist who creates because it’s a part of my being. All my life, I’ve expressed my point of view with the creative arts via my writing, music, comedy, acting, mixed media art and photograph­y.

Many years ago, I wrote a song called Crayons and one of my favourite lines I wrote in

the song says, “We are crayons in the box, different colours but all made the same, for one purpose: to colour the picture.” Life is my canvas and I love using every creative medium I can to explore my colourful moments in time.

Over the years I’ve had a few different jobs working as a photograph­er, which enabled me to use and compare different cameras. These photograph­y jobs ignited my love affair with Canon cameras, and I’ve been a loyal member of Team Canon ever since then!

When I really got into my personal photograph­y, I was trying to learn about my Canon EOS 80D, so I was trying different settings while shooting anything and

everything. At work the subjects were always people, which was fun, but when I got my own camera I began to really see and focus on my passion for landscapes.

I grew up in New York City in the Bronx and on Roosevelt Island, I have lived in Edinburgh, London, the US Virgin Islands on St John, around Los Angeles, Ventura and now San Diego California. Most of my life I grew up around water – I love living near the water, and have always been drawn to it.

When I moved to San Diego over a year ago, I began exploring the beautiful city. People who don’t live here usually relate it to Comic Con. At one time I was one of those people, because in the past when I came here, my focus was solely on my art, gallery shows, panels, artist alley and everything Comic Con.

My routine was arrive in San Diego, work and return to Hollywood, LA or Ventura for almost 12 years before finally moving here. Living in San Diego has helped me discover that there is so much more to it, and I wanted to continue exploring while finding and sharing the heartbeat of the city with my viewers.

As I began exploring to capture sunrises, sunsets, and moments at night, I found myself scouting locations and being drawn to the beaches, bays and waterfront­s. I was taking photos and thinking about my relationsh­ip with water, which led me to evaluate the relationsh­ip between our environmen­t, humans and architectu­re.

Can we truly live together in harmony? I see that we can, and wanted to demonstrat­e the beauty of the potential I witness in my photograph­s. There began my project, “Bridges, Docks and Piers”.

We are crayons in the box, different colours but all made the same, for one purpose, to colour the picture

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