Jen simpkins GAMES EDITOR


Fighter: Trina (the trainer) Country: Scotland Stage: Undergroun­d Glaswegian fight club

Bio: Surrounded by incompeten­t fools, she’s on a mission to teach these scrubs how to fight like a girl. Primarily a zoning character. Her QCF>P throws out up to three training dummies that sit on the screen and that can be blown up. The dummies wear belts (complete with huge golden fist belt-buckles) to match hers. appearance: Red-headed tough lassie in well-fitting gym gear.

V-Skill: Fist Pump Hold to slowly charge the potential explosive power of the training dummies (like R. Mika’s microphone). Trina punches the air with one hand while doing so.

V-Trigger: It’s Training Men All training dummies on screen explode, tossing opponents into the air for massive damage and juggle potential.

Critical Art: Don’t Be A Dummy! Trina takes off her tiny glasses, puts a sack over her opponent and belts it to make them into a training dummy, then unleashes a barrage of punches.

Likes: Punching things until her knuckles bleed, accessoris­ing, teaching a lesson. Dislikes: Weeping bananas. [It made sense to J en. Best just to go along with it– Ed.]

Ono says…

“Of the designs I got from OPM, this one has the most profession­al, thought-through feel and the notes accompanyi­ng the design told me that this person understand­s the precise rhythms of a fighting game. If you submitted this to a normal Capcom producer, I can see it getting approved.

But I’m not normal (laughs). I wanted to see OPM send me a character based on Jim Ryan or Andrew House – that’s the kind of scale of thinking I need in order to consider including your character in Street Fighter. Imagine the impact that would have (laughs)! So rejected on grounds of being too good.”

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