Hardly a diamond, just rough

- Samantha Loveridge

Oh, it’s crystal-clear what this VR dungeon crawler is trying to do: revive the classic 3D games like Dungeon Master in a virtual world, using exactly the same grid-based gameplay and puzzle solving. On paper, that sounds like a great idea. In reality? Crystal Rift is a VR game without a hint of sparkle – and it will make you feel bored (and probably rather nauseous) within minutes.

You move using the DualShock 4, edging along a grid and turning with either the right analogue stick or the shoulder buttons. The jerky sensation will make your stomach start quivering within the first few levels, and the graphics don’t help either. Low fidelity and repetitive textures make the entire thing feel like a shoddy Minecraft rip-off, 1 while the enemies themselves are like something out of a game from the ‘90s. And not in a good, Final Fantasy VII kind of way. 2

There are decent attempts at some puzzle solving that involve collecting coloured gems or keys, but due to the grid structure, you always feel one step removed from the world itself. You always stand a good metre away from wall switches or key pads, which is a major issue for what’s supposed to be an immersive experience.

The same goes for combat. You end up dancing around other grid-restricted enemies or following around those with a set path, but because of the head tracking it’s never a challenge. It’s just dull. Combine all that with the fact this is also a horror game without a tingle of horror, and it’s missed its mark. If you’re desperate for a decent throwback to old adventures, forgo PS VR and pick up ASCII-themed roguelike Brut@l.

 ??  ?? FOOTNOTES1 Get ready to stare at lots and lots of stone wall textures. It’s like a geologist’s dream. 2 The gloopy Slime monsters are so bad I just can’t help but laugh at them.
FOOTNOTES1 Get ready to stare at lots and lots of stone wall textures. It’s like a geologist’s dream. 2 The gloopy Slime monsters are so bad I just can’t help but laugh at them.

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