Kicking up a swarm


Zombies, eh? You wait ages for one, and then a thousand shuffle your way at once. In the same month as you’ll be shooting Freakers in Days Gone, this more streamline­d approach to the walking dead will arrive. There’s no open world or emotional narrative here, though. It’s just you, three friends, and a whole lot of decaying flesh. While it’s disappoint­ing to discover World War Z’s main campaign mode has been streamline­d, and will focus on multiplaye­r and co-op rather than solo survival, we’re still excited. The main draw is players-versus-players-versus-zombies. While you’re trying to notch up kills against other players, World War Z will be throwing thousands of the undead your way. Having to harness the swarms of zombies that sweep across, up, and over the environmen­t while staying alive and picking off your rival human players makes this unique among online shootouts.

The full list of modes is: Scavenge Raid (compete to secure resources across the map); Vaccine Hunt (pick up and hang onto a rare item); Swarm Deathmatch (defeat another team and survive the zombie throng); Swarm Domination (capture zones to earn points); and King Of The Hill (hold and control a ‘hill’ for points). You won’t be going it alone, but there’s enough multiplaye­r meat on World War Z’s bones to suggest it won’t be undead on arrival.


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 ??  ?? Above The co-op campaign sees you and your friends killing “zekes” around the globe.
Above The co-op campaign sees you and your friends killing “zekes” around the globe.

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