You’d better cross the t’s and dot the i’s on this one


They say there are only two certaintie­s in life: death and taxes. Well, thanks to Lynx Corp’s premier tech, at least one of those is nowhere near certain. But be warned: frittering away your second (or third, or fourth…) chance at life is deeply unprofitab­le – to say nothing of the debt you’ll rack up every time you return from the dead.

Welcome to the future! You’ll feel right at home here; everything is still terrible. As an employee of Lynx Corp, you’re tasked with heading out into deep space to cut up and salvage what you can from a variety of starships. But there is a catch (because of course there is). After all, you’re definitely not doing such dangerous work simply for the love of it.


First, there are your tools. To divvy up any ship, you’re going to need not only a high powered-laser cutter but also a sturdy suit to weather the harsh vacuum of space. (And if you’re not careful you can damage your suit – there’s another expense.)

Then there’s buying the salvage rights to each wreck and, as the saying goes, you’ve got to spend some credits to make some credits. You’ll be, ahem, ‘encouraged’ to take on bigger, more dangerous wrecks, and that means your profession­al scavenging kit is going to need intermitte­nt upgrades too. But even when you’re equipped with a top-of-the-line loadout fatal accidents happen, and that’s where Lynx’s cutting-edge cloning technology comes in. Will you use it? Of course you will. The only question is how you’re going to pay your benevolent capitalist overlords back. The answer is ‘with an ever-so-generous loan’ – one that, if Lynx had its way, you’d still be paying off well after the inevitable heat death of the universe.

Talk about a rock and a, uh, Hardspace? Not even the sweet release of death can free you from the loop of wreckage and rebirths as you unlock new tools and perks for more lucrative (for Lynx, at least) contracts. You’ll be lopping off big, rusty chunks wherever you please, marvelling at the low-gravity physics, all the while wondering “Hmm, who is benefittin­g from my labour and why is it not me?”

We can’t wait to read and reread the small print of our latest salvage contract. Hardspace: Shipbreake­r will go into early access, with two different classes of spaceship to scrap and the first part of the story campaign to play through, later this year.

 ??  ?? Low gravity and high-powered laser cutting tools may not always be the safest mix.
Low gravity and high-powered laser cutting tools may not always be the safest mix.
 ??  ?? Above Every ship means a payday for Lynx and likely more debt down the line for you.
Above Every ship means a payday for Lynx and likely more debt down the line for you.

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