
The greatest difference you’ll notice when playing Forbidden West on PS5 is likely going to be in your hands thanks to the DualSense’s rich haptics and adaptive triggers. Here are a few examples of how it will heighten your senses.

For players who like to take a stealthy approach, hiding in long grass will be a familiar tactic. Guerrilla has teased that this time you’ll feel those long fronds of grass rustling through your fingers each time you hide and wait to pounce on an unsuspecti­ng enemy or machine.

But you’re not simply going to feel the grass. Like Astro’s Playroom, it’s probable that Forbidden West will make you feel every bit of the diverse environmen­t Aloy touches, from the sandy beaches to the fronds of seaweed as she swims past.

The adaptive triggers will make each weapon at Aloy’s disposal feel distinct. This will most certainly be the case for her bow, as the triggers will simulate the resistance of a bow string being drawn back. The different kinds of ammunition and its effects should also be felt through haptics.

Of course, while haptic feedback can be very subtle, we’re expecting it to have a satisfying impact when Aloy hits hard – imagine how her Valor Surge will buzz through the DualShock in your hands while onscreen it knocks enemies back or breaks through machine armour.

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