Digging into the random acts of gaming a lengthy PS Plus subscripti­on offers February’s lineup offered plenty of bang for your buck. On PS5 and PS4 there was multiplaye­r madness in the form of sci-fi shooter Destiny 2’s Beyond Light expansion and Evil De


We’re not going to blast our way through this month’s column, though. Instead, we’re laying down our arms in favour of beasting it on the board in

OlliOlli World, which is available on both PS5 and PS4. The third game in the demanding 2D skateboard­ing series invites you to bend your knees and trust in your hands’ muscle memory to pop some sick kickflips once again.

Its side-skating action, now with 3D characters and environmen­ts, presents a surprising amount of challenge. You launch into tricks with a flick of the left stick, before pressing q to stick the landing – it requires no small amount of dexterity from your digits but keep playing and you’ll soon fall into a natural-feeling rhythm. Add to this far more open, friendlier windows of opportunit­y for nailing a trick, multiple paths through levels, and plenty of checkpoint­s, and it’s not hard to see the appeal of four dinky little wheels; unlike its predecesso­rs, perhaps, World is pitched to please newbies and grind-hards alike.

The low-pressure, chill vibes throughout are what keep us coming back for just one more go. In real life I have all the grace of a honey badger on a board but here, in the fittingly named realm of Radania, I can try, try, and try again with no fuss. Perhaps it’s just me, but my custom character’s quest to reach Gnarvana one fumbled olli at a time makes me want to give hitting the asphalt for real just one more go too. So get your board at the ready, let’s boogie – but don’t forget to bring the kneepads!

 ?? ?? You won’t bee-lieve how many options OlliOlli World offers to skate your way.
You won’t bee-lieve how many options OlliOlli World offers to skate your way.
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