PSN games you might have missed Every month, loads of games come to the PS Store. You’d be hard-pressed to play them all, so we’re looking at some that didn’t quite make the cut. This month we’re careening through space, and fighting fires in both litera


First things first, it’s firefighti­ng survival horror game Quantum Error.

Aboard a research station out in the lonely void of space, someone forgot to carry the one; the facility is not only at the mercy of a raging inferno and attacks from a terrorist group, it’s also facing an invasion from a horde of cosmic horrors. There’s a cinematic sense of style to proceeding­s, with more than a few memorably morbid tableaus, but unfortunat­ely the cutscenes can’t save this one. While there’s definitely something to the firefighti­ng gameplay – the jaws of life become an unexpected melee favourite – too often this race against the flames is an aggravatin­g slog between stingy checkpoint­s, filled with airhead enemy AI.

From the isolation of space to co-op mayhem – let’s switch up the tempo and dive into

Super Crazy Rhythm Castle.

The zaniness may feel a touch try-hard for some, but between its banging soundtrack (the 30-plus tracks on offer include some from old Konami faves like Castlevani­a) and wealth of rhythm-based challenges, its occasional­ly groanworth­y jokes can’t keep us away from the dance floor. What’s more, up to three of our friends can join in for a spot of co-op silliness. Everything unfolds at a breakneck, now-this pace, meaning that some levels require wonky-feeling trial-and-error activity, but even dropped notes like this aren’t allowed time to fester. Switching from earworms to legends, we’re back among the stars for planet-trotting RPG

Star Ocean: The Second Story R.

This is an extremely loving 2D-HD-style remake of a still fondly remembered, exceptiona­lly extra series entry – now with a number of quality-of-life improvemen­ts that shrinks the gap between its original ’90s release and modern gaming sensibilit­ies. Recruitabl­e characters ensure you have plenty of options in combat, though this comes with the dissonance of party members you rely on hugely in battle standing awkwardly around on the sidelines when major plot stuff kicks off. Still, it’s far from a star-crossed outing, and if you’re an RPG fan you definitely shouldn’t let it pass you by.

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