MultiVersu­s – Rifts

Short-burst fun for lone players

- Echo Apsey

INFO FORMAT PS5, PS4 PUB WB Games DEV Player First Games YEAR 2022

These days it can be pretty hard to find a bite-size game to hop in and out of and enjoy when you’ve got just 30 minutes or an hour spare. MultiVersu­s’ Rifts – singleplay­er sequences of battles against AI, added as part of the game’s relaunch – has become a strong contender.

Each Rift has a theme. For example, Multiversa­l Mayhem! focusses on the

Joker, while Jason Vs Multiverse puts the eponymous serial killer in the centre of the frame. You’re rewarded for completing challenges, and if you’re a completion­ist that will definitely keep you coming back to the Rift. While the lower difficulti­es are way too easy, higher ones like ‘Crushing’, ‘Insanity’, and beyond do require quite a bit of strategy and skill.

Rifts provide the perfect balance of being memorable but not lasting so long that

you’ll feel trapped in the

game. You’ll never find yourself watching the clock tick down as you’re caught in a fight or cutscene right when you need to be doing something else, like leaving the house. With each fight being separate from the others, you can take on Joker or Bugs and simply leave if you don’t have time to finish the Rift off completely.

Then, upon returning, you can hop back in and spend an hour or so over a few evenings working your way through the current Rifts to earn some

The perfect balance of being memorable but not lasting so long that you’ll feel trapped.

rewards or just to enjoy the game’s excellent fighting mechanics. Because you can make it as challengin­g or as easy as you like, spamming attack buttons or trying to take on the AI on the highest difficulty, it’s a real ‘comfort food’ experience, and you will return for more.

 ?? ?? Bosses and other missions, like target practice, treasure hunts, and chases, provide some nice variety.
Bosses and other missions, like target practice, treasure hunts, and chases, provide some nice variety.
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