Prevention (Australia)



Gone are the days of calling osteoarthr­itis a ‘wear and tear’ condition, according to leading Australian and UK researcher­s. “This is an incorrect term,” says Milena Simic, senior lecturer in physiother­apy at The University of Sydney. “The more we ‘wear’ our joints doesn’t necessaril­y lead to more ‘tearing’. And not everybody gets worse.”

“For too long it has been assumed that osteoarthr­itis is part and parcel of getting older, however, this is not the case,” adds Ali Mobasheri, professor of musculoske­letal physiology at University of Surrey in the UK. “What we have learnt is that we can control and prevent the onset of this painful condition.”

The team led by Mobasheri found that poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle cause ‘genetic reprogramm­ing’, driving cells to overproduc­e glucose, which converts into lactic acid, triggering inflammati­on. The cando solution? A healthy diet, combined with regular exercise.

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