

Mitchelton- Scott’s South African road captain on the tough days at the Tour


What’s your favourite race?

The Tour Down Under. I enjoy the racing there with the crowds; it’s very similar to back home. Also racing on an Australian team, it’s quite special - you feel like it’s your home race.

What’s your favourite climb?

I quite enjoy the one in Ordino in Andorra. It’s just a nice climb for me. It’s not a climb I ever think, ‘Oh no, I have to go up here.’ I’m actually quite keen to go up.

Who’s the best domestique in the peloton?

Kwiatkowsk­i, even though he’s not a domestique but someone who can do everything really well. One of the most solid domestique­s that I’ve seen is Luke Rowe and before that, Matty Hayman. He was the best road captain I’ve ever ridden with. On and off the bike, as a mentor, as a captain and everything else, he was a guy who understood how to adapt to different riders.

Who is your funniest team-mate?

Probably Luka Mezgec. He’s just very quick. He’s got an answer for everything; he’s pretty funny.

What was the last app you downloaded?

Soundcloud. I just started to listen to some podcasts while I ride my bike because I’m so bored. I’m always interested in the sports ones. There was one that I listened to in the Ardennes that was about how to be hungry - generally about what creates hunger to do well in things. Those kinds of motivation­al things are what I like.

What’s the best prize you’ve ever won at a race?

I’m always flicked for those things. There’s always been guys getting watches and things, while I just get trophies. The Tour de France yellow jersey lion was probably the best, just because you know what the lion means. It’s just there with the kids, but they’ll realise one day what it is.

What result are you proudest of?

One of the first ones was the National Champs. I was pretty proud about that win. Although it’s not the most significan­t win, I think just having all the odds against me, and having all my family and friends and everyone there... That was probably my best win and probably the best feeling I got because there was so much against me, and I still managed to pull it off.

What’s the toughest day you’ve ever had on the bike?

2012 Tour, I can’t remember what stage it was but it was the day after the rest day so it must have been quite late. We went over the Tourmalet and I got spat out the back, second or third rider on the day and there was still 150k to go, with Cav and Tyler Farrar. We had a long day. I was so close to stopping, but we got back after a few crazy downhill moments to the grupetto. That was probably the worst day I’ve had on the bike – suffering for five or six hours.

What’s the story behind one of your scars?

I have a scar on my right arm. I was riding a time trial and my bars fell off, the whole system - the whole front end just dropped. On my right arm you can see it’s a little bit grazed, because I had stitches there.

“Matty Hayman was the best road captain I’ve ever ridden with. On and off the bike, as a mentor and captain and everything else”

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