


Maybe I do want to ride the Tour one more year, one time more and have a good crack at it. I felt I still had something left to show

Ihad a manager, Paul De Geyte, and I was happy to be in a position to have someone help me to find a team, my career could have been over after that 2011 year. If that happens [with injury] in a crisis year like now, for example, that could have been the end. I signed for Quick Step and it was a nice move - you’ve got a lot of familiar staff and Belgian riders that I knew very well. I was more in a domestique role but I still really enjoyed those years a lot.

We didn’t really have a big GC rider so there was more space for me to take my chance - you have the classics team, but I never really raced a lot with Boonen, for example, only in the National Champs or one time in the Tour de Suisse. I did the Giro every year and the Vuelta. I was never really mentioned to ride the Tour, that is also why in 2014, I was 30 years old, and I questioned myself - maybe I do want to ride the Tour one more year, one time more and have a good crack at it. I felt I still had something left to show.

I think Patrick Lefevere is very good. He’s sometimes cruel, he says what he thinks, but on the other hand he’s also often right. He has a column in Nieuwsblad every week and the things he says, he’s spot on. I think he’s a good manager, the way he’s been at the top every year with his team is impressive and I respect him a lot. Even now, years after I left, he’s always very nice and good to the people who have ever ridden for him.

The pressure is more on the classics team at Quick Step, I’ve always loved the internatio­nal thing - it was not really a goal for me to stay in Quick Step for ever.

 ??  ?? Pauwels grinds up the Angliru at the 2013 Vuelta, after settling into a role in the grand tours at Quick Step
Pauwels grinds up the Angliru at the 2013 Vuelta, after settling into a role in the grand tours at Quick Step

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