


Compiled by Hazel Flynn 1. To within 20, how many times per second can the ruby-throated hummingbir­d beat its wings? 2. In military terms, what does DMZ stand for?

3. What animal lives in a sett

(or set)?

4. Oswald Cobblepot, played onscreen by Danny DeVito, is the alter ego of which Batman foe? 5. What nationalit­y was Dracula author Bram Stoker?

6. By what term is the aerospace measuremen­t mach 1 more commonly known?

7. Meg Lanning became the youngest ever captain of the Australian team in what sport? 8. Neil Finn made his debut with which iconic British-American rock band in September 2018? 9. Wolverines are members of what animal family?

10. On social media, what does

IKR stand for?

11. What is the name of the title character in The Merchant of Venice?

12. What colour is the gemstone lapis lazuli?

13. What square is diagonally opposite Go on a standard Monopoly board?

14. Which champion Australian racehorse was featured on a $1 stamp in 2018?

15. What is the second-longest river in Africa?

16. Odette and Odile are leading characters in what ballet?

17. The logos of car brands Holden and Peugeot feature what animal?

18. Bánh mì is a popular dish in what nation’s cuisine?

19. Which country has the greatest number of moose per square kilometre?

20. Judy Garland and Barbra Streisand starred in earlier versions of what acclaimed 2018 film?

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