



1. Long in the tooth

2. Spill the beans

3. Down for the count

4. Go for broke Wheel of words

Into, Limn, Limo, Limp, Lino, Lint, Lion, Loin, Loti, Milo, Milt, Mint, Moil, Noil, Omit, Pint, Pion, Puli, Toil, Topi, Unit, Input, Lupin, Opium, Pilot, Pinot, Pinto, Piton, Poilu, Point, Tulip, Unlit, Until, Moulin, Tumuli, Ultimo.

Nine-letter word: Plutonium. Quiz

1. 200 2. Demilitari­sed Zone 3. Badger 4. The Penguin

5. Irish 6. The speed of sound 7. Cricket 8. Fleetwood Mac

9. Weasel family 10. I know, right? 11. Antonio 12. Blue

13. Free Parking 14. Winx 15. Congo River 16. Swan Lake

17. A lion 18. Vietnam 19. Sweden 20. A Star is Born Lateral thinking

1. He walks over the lake when it freezes.

2. She bought a Christmas tree. After the festivitie­s, she took the tree into the garden. A day later, she chopped it up.

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