
Finding your beau


Helping you find true love is the goal of Beau Brummell Introducti­ons. The Australian male same-sex matchmakin­g agency has partnered up couples for more than seven years. We speak to Joe, one half of a successful match, to find out what the process was like.

When Joe, 52, met Adam, 50, in 2016, the spark was instant thanks to Adam’s smile – “I’ve got the best smile in Australia!” he jokes – and Joe’s adventurou­s spirit. “I like eyes and I like smiles,” read Joe’s profile. Both men were clients of Beau Brummell Introducti­ons and through the service’s personalis­ed matching process they were deemed compatible before they had even laid eyes on each other.

Three years, two holidays and one big Italian wedding later, Joe and Adam are happily married and ready to start a family of their own. Like many people looking for love, the catalyst for Joe engaging the matchmakin­g agency was simple: he was tired of wasting time.

Joe, were you hesitant signing up to a dating service?

Initially, yes. I was sick of going on dates and putting in the time only to realise I wasn’t suited to somebody. I got referred to Beau Brummell through a friend and it was the first and only agency I ever used. You’re going in blind but I’m an adventurou­s sort so I thought, “I’ve got nothing to lose.” I had a phone conversati­on with [Beau Brummell co-founder] Vinko Anthony and then I was completely at ease. Everyone was exceptiona­lly profession­al and very warm.

How do they match you with a partner?

They base it on personalit­y – what you like, what you don’t like, your religious beliefs and your ambitions in life. Then they send you a selection of basic profiles and ask if you want to know more. If you say yes, they send you a detailed profile of that particular person without any pictures. I thought that was a great concept. All the hard work is taken out of dating as the first six weeks is already done for you by the time you go on your first date.

Was Adam your first date through Beau Brummell?

They’d organised two other dates for me before Adam. But if they don’t succeed with one, they will match you up with somebody else. They go all-out to achieve success.

“I’ve made Adam come out of his shell a little bit more, while Adam has grounded me.”

In what ways are you and Adam most compatible?

We both love to travel, love family and are extremely hard-working and driven. But we’re both very soft, too. I’m probably a little bit more crazy – I have no fear jumping out of a plane. I suppose I’ve made Adam come out of his shell a little bit more, while Adam has grounded me. We got married in Italy last year and [Beau Brummell co-founder] Andrea Zaza came to the wedding. We introduced him as the person who got us together – we wouldn’t be where we are now without them.

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