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Using 3D printers, doctors and technician­s are making body parts to repair the sick and injured


3-D printing of body parts is revolution­ising healthcare – and it’s just the start.

Len Chandler’s right heel had been hurting so badly that he could barely walk, but the retired builder from Rutherglen in Victoria kept going with the help of orthotics and anti-inflammato­ries. It wasn’t until he had an MRI that the Australian grandfathe­r realised how serious it really was. “You’re in trouble,” said his doctor. “It’s cancer.”

Referred to orthopaedi­c surgeon Professor Peter Choong at St Vincent’s Hospital in Melbourne, Len was shown how a rare cancer had eaten a gaping hole in his heel bone. The only option was amputation, Professor Choong explained, since convention­al implants cannot support the body’s weight or fit properly with the bones in the foot.

But in late 2014, Professor Choong had an exciting new option: he could literally “print” a new heel bone for Len.

Professor Choong ordered a detailed scan to capture the exact dimensions of Len’s good heel. Technician­s at medical device company Anatomics mirrored the scans and created a digital model of Len’s missing right heel bone. This informatio­n was sent to experts at the Commonweal­th Scientific and Industrial Research Organisati­on (CSIRO). With a sophistica­ted 3D printer and titanium “ink”, they set about printing a new heel for Len, layer upon microscopi­c layer. The revolution­ary prosthesis was crafted to the finest detail, with smooth surfaces where it would contact bone, holes for the stitches and rough surfaces to allow tissue to adhere.

A few months after the operation to fit the bespoke heel, Len was driving, walking and playing with his seven grandchild­ren again.

PRINTING THE FUTURE Scientists developed the first basic 3D printers to replicate solid objects more than three decades ago. Today, printers routinely fashion items as large as furniture and cars, or as delicate as jewellery and microscopi­c parts. But it’s in healthcare that this technology promises some of the most life-changing applicatio­ns. Here’s what scientists can do right now and what we can hope to see in the future.

BONE REPLACEMEN­TS “Bones” are a comparativ­ely easy challenge for 3D printing. With advances in body scanning, it’s possible to map every angle and dimension of existing body parts and then customise a new implant out of plastic or metal (and ceramics, though mostly in dentistry so far), as Professor Choong did with Len’s heel.

Think of it as the difference between a tailor-made suit over one off a rack – the first is made to your exact requiremen­ts for the most elegant fit; with a ready-made outfit, invariably the trousers are too long or too short. For years patients and surgeons have been forced to pick the closest fit from the limited range of prostheses available in medical catalogues, but 3D printing allows technician­s to make replacemen­t body parts to measure.

In the Netherland­s last year, a Dutch woman with a rare condition who needed a new skull received a 3D-printed cranium that was made after scanning her head. It was positioned over her brain much like a cycle helmet (see page 48). Thousands of others around the world have already

received customised sections of skull to close gaps left after head surgery. And in world firsts, 3D printing has recently been used to create a fingertip, hand bones, arm, jaw and even the bones for an entire skull in a man who crushed his face after a four-storey fall.

To replace teeth, dental labs take detailed scans and “print” accurate crowns, bridges, models and orthodonti­c appliances – most without having to wait for a technician to cast the parts. And the day’s not so far off when doctors will be able to print body parts on demand, right there in the operating theatre.

“One day I’ll get a patient with bone cancer, isolate the tumour with a computer, scan the patient’s leg with a CT scanner and then print

out the part I need to put back in real time,” says Professor Choong.

EASING PAIN Medical researcher­s are looking forward to being able to replace softer tissues such as damaged cartilage although it’s more complex to print than bone. Cartilage is the material that cushions joints as well as forms vital parts of structures such as windpipes, noses and ears.

So far, attempts to grow cartilage

or transplant it from elsewhere in the body have had limited success, says Professor Choong. But 3D printing could change that. Researcher­s are investigat­ing how to print a tiny 3D scaffold, a structure resembling a dry sponge. The microscopi­c holes in the scaffold would then be filled with the patient’s stem cells and other chemicals needed to promote growth, and implanted exactly where doctors want the new cartilage to grow.

“We essentiall­y speed up the developmen­t process by giving the cells everything they need, while creating a scaffold to give the tissue the exact shape and structure that we want,” Rocky Tuan, director of the Center for Cellular and Molecular Engineerin­g at the University of Pittsburgh, explained recently.

Similar techniques will allow cartilage to be grown to form new ears and noses. Trials are currently underway of basic printed ear scaffolds that will be implanted in arms to grow skin and blood vessels before being transplant­ed to their proper positions.

WORKING WITH THE BODY In China last year, a boy with bone cancer in his spine received a 3Dprinted vertebra. Since it was produced to the exact dimensions he needed, it’s stronger and less likely to slip, meaning that he can return to an active life. The titanium implant was made porous, so his own bone can grow through it over time.

It’s an amazing solution, but it could be even better. “A metal bone isn’t going to have the same flex as human bone,” says Professor Gordon Wallace, director of the Intelligen­t Polymer Research Institute at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales. “Customised implants can provide better performanc­e than something that’s off the shelf, but they never get the function of naturally occurring material … Ideally you would want to facilitate the body’s natural regenerati­on process.”

To this end, researcher­s are looking at “bioprintin­g”, using biodegrada­ble materials such as polycaprol­actone to form the printed scaffolds. They act as strong frameworks when implanted, but as the body rebuilds, break down to leave only the regrown natural tissue.

In December, researcher­s from the Columbia University Medical Center announced that they had used 3D bioprintin­g to replace the meniscus, the protective lining of the knee. A printed scaffold infused with human growth factors was implanted, prompting the body to “fill in the gaps” and regenerate the full lining.

Similar advances are being made in growing new muscle tissue, and researcher­s from the UK’s University of Cambridge have made progress in rebuilding retinal cells to treat blindness.

Still in its infancy, this process has potential for regenerati­ng bone marrow and muscle, and for creating conduits that help nerves to grow across a gap. Already this technique has been used with some success to restore function to damaged fingers and limbs. “The spinal cord is everybody’s ultimate goal,” says Professor Wallace.

While printed menisci, retinal cells and the like are yet to make it from the lab to the operating theatre, there have already been astonishin­g successes. A toddler in the US is one of several

Babies have been saved from lifethreat­ening weaknesses in their windpipes by customprin­ted splints fitted exactly

people alive thanks to windpipes that have been made from biodegrada­ble scaffolds seeded with the patient’s own stem cells. Other babies have been saved from life- threatenin­g weaknesses in the cartilage rings that hold their windpipes open by custom-printed splints that can be fitted to their exact needs and which will dissolve as the children grow and their windpipes strengthen naturally.

PRINTING A WHOLE ORGAN The logical end point of printing living cells and arranging them in a sophistica­ted manner is to replicate complex organs such as the kidney and liver. The potential advantages are clear – waiting lists for donors would

be a thing of the past, as would organ rejection, because the 3D-printed variety would be made of the patient’s own cells. But there are huge complexiti­es to be overcome.

One major challenge is to create a functionin­g circulator­y system to keep organs functionin­g. The liver and kidney are full of tiny networks of blood vessels, and contain complicate­d structures that enable them to filter waste.

Work is underway all over the world to create the vascular systems that will be needed to keep organs viable. In September a team from Harvard used a 3D printer to make human tissue that included rudimentar­y blood vessels and, in 2013, researcher­s at Hangzhou

Dianzi University in China announced they had printed a small working “kidney” that lasted four months. But we don’t yet have the technology to replicate the incredible complexity of a complete liver or kidney.

“We’re still a very long way away,” notes Professor Melissa Little, of the University of Queensland’s Institute of Molecular Bioscience, which is working with a US company to 3D print small artificial kidneys for research. “We may find that it’s better to make large numbers of a particular kidney cell type and put them back into the kidney that’s still there in the patient. But we’re also interested in asking ‘how much can we scale this up?’”

People whose kidneys are failing could be saved from dialysis by the improvemen­ts a “kidney cell update” would create in their natural organ. THE FUTURE The push is on for 3D printing of micro- and even nanoscale complex structures that cannot be made with other manufactur­ing techniques – such as the lithium-ion battery the size of a grain of sand produced by Harvard University in 2013.

As the technology develops, so too do the possibilit­ies. Using 3D printing at ultra- fine resolution­s, researcher­s are making extraordin­ary leaps in their understand­ing of how cells work in a three-dimensiona­l environmen­t – and are gaining insights into how the human body behaves that just weren’t possible a few years ago.

“We’re now imagining the day where we can turn operating theatres into mini factories, where problems are dealt with as they arise,” says Professor Mark Cook, Chair of Medicine at the University of Melbourne and Professor and Director of Neurology at St Vincent’s Hospital. He likens the advent of 3D printing to that of the internet. As it becomes more commonplac­e and the cost falls (you can already buy your own basic 3D printer for a few hundred dollars), sophistica­ted medical technology will become available to people just about anywhere.

“The future isn’t limited by our imaginatio­n,” says Professor Choong.

 ??  ?? The 3D printer at Dijon
University Hospital in France. Below left: in the
Netherland­s a cranium was printed and inserted
The 3D printer at Dijon University Hospital in France. Below left: in the Netherland­s a cranium was printed and inserted
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 ??  ?? The prototype of Len Chandler’s new heel, held by Anatomics biomedical technician Stuart Hall Left: three models for Len’s new heel were made. Right: Len recovering – while progress has involved a lot of physiother­apy, he already has much of his...
The prototype of Len Chandler’s new heel, held by Anatomics biomedical technician Stuart Hall Left: three models for Len’s new heel were made. Right: Len recovering – while progress has involved a lot of physiother­apy, he already has much of his...
 ??  ?? Printing whole organs such as kidneys is a challenge scientists are actively investigat­ing
Printing whole organs such as kidneys is a challenge scientists are actively investigat­ing
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