Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

World of Medicine


Getting Paid to Be Good

Kicking a bad habit is a challenge for anyone, but for pregnant smokers there’s a greater urgency.

Scottish researcher­s found that pregnant women are more likely to quit smoking if financial rewards are offered. The study involved 612 pregnant smokers. Half were offered up to £400 worth of shopping vouchers plus a treatment plan if they quit smoking. The others were offered appointmen­ts with a smoking cessation adviser, telephone support and nicotine replacemen­t therapy for ten weeks. Overall, 69 women gave up smoking from the first group, and 26 from the second group.

Why Jet Lag Can Make You Gain Weight

Your gut bacteria are sensitive to time – and this could affect your weight. When Israeli researcher­s studied the faeces of mice and two humans, they found that when people had jet lag, the compositio­n of their gut microbes shifted, favouring

bacteria strains linked to obesity. Published in the journal Cell in October 2014, the results showed that a similar shift was found in mice exposed to alternatin­g lightdark schedules. The experts suggest probiotic or antimicrob­ial therapies could help.

Kidney Stones Forecast Bone Injuries

People with kidney stones may be at greater risk of sustaining bone fractures. A team of researcher­s at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvan­ia analysed findings gathered by key British studies on nearly 52,000 people diagnosed with stones and more than 517,000 who did not have them. After five years, men with stones had a 10% greater risk of bone fractures; women had up to 52%. The findings suggest people with kidney stones should make lifestyle changes to reduce their risk.

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