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From the Archives


This May 1986 entry to Life’s Like That is so good that, 30 years later, it might still be worth a try…

I was working at a supermarke­t checkout and a woman and her son were next in line. The son unloaded the trolley. Two eggs in a carton had been broken, and half a loaf of bread had been mysterious­ly crushed. His mother chided him, remarking that she would have to make French toast with the injured items.

He looked properly repentant until his mother walked off. Then he whispered to me, “A friend told me to try the broken egg/squashed bread routine. That’s how he gets HIS mum to make French toast for him!” HI-TECH KINDY My five-year-old daughter came home from kindergart­en very excited recently. “Mum, we got a 3-D printer at school!” she said.

“That’s great,” I replied. “What are you guys going to print?”

She looked at me incredulou­sly and said, “Three Ds.”

SUBMITTED BY TANYA PILCZ STEER CLEAR As I wandered down an aisle of my local hardware store, I overheard the man next to me talking on his mobile phone.

“Now is just not a good time for me. I need to be able to concentrat­e on this,” he said, exasperate­d. “I’ll call you back when I get to the car.”


FIGHT AVOIDANCE I once gave my husband the silent treatment for an entire week, at the end of which he declared, “Hey, we’re getting along pretty great lately.”

BONNIE MCFARLANE, from You’re Better Than Me HIGH-ROADED His new hybrid car was my friend’s pride and joy. He was always bragging about it and boring the rest of his buddies to death.

As he was giving us a lift one day, he pontificat­ed, “They should have a special lane for people who care about the environmen­t.”

“They already do,” came a voice from the backseat. “It’s called a pavement.” SUBMITTED BY JAMES SEWELL

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