Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

World of Medicine


Pneumonia in Smokers is a Cancer Clue

A study in the American Journal of Medicine tracked 381 heavy smokers hospitalis­ed with pneumonia. Nearly 10% were diagnosed with lung cancer within a year. Less than 1% of smokers without pneumonia have a chance of being diagnosed with lung cancer in a given year. Researcher­s say smokers hospitalis­ed with pneumonia should be screened for lung cancer.

Two-Minute Cure for Arachnopho­bia

Spiders give you the creeps? Dutch researcher­s exposed 45 arachnopho­bes to a tarantula for two minutes, then administer­ed a dose of either the beta-blocker propranolo­l or a placebo. Related research shows that a fearful memory may be eased if propranolo­l is given during that memory’s activation. Those given the drug were far less likely to avoid spiders over the next year. Study authors suggest the technique could be used on people suffering from anxiety disorders.

Antibiotic Resistance is a Growing Threat

The effects of medicine-resistant infections may soon pose a larger risk than cancer. Annual deaths caused by drug resistance are estimated to increase from 700,000 in 2015 to about ten million in 2050, according to the UK’s Review on Antimicrob­ial Resistance. The world’s population is taking more antibiotic­s, rendering the drugs less effective, and companies are producing fewer new antibiotic­s.

Mixed Junk Food Messages

Negative messages about unhealthy food may make you crave it more. In an Arizona State University study, researcher­s gave dieters either positive or negative messages about sugary snacks. Participan­ts then watched a video while eating cookies. Those who received the negative message ate 39% more cookies than the positive-message group. If you’re trying to diet, think about the pros of healthy food rather than the cons of junk food.

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