Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

World of Medicine


High-Fat Diet Hurts Sleep

Men with high-fat diets were more likely to suffer from daytime fatigue and poor night-time slumber than men with low-fat diets, according to a University of Adelaide study. The scientists speculated that fat intake affects hormones, metabolism and the central nervous system, all of which interact with the circadian clock that regulates shut-eye. In turn, the lead author noted, sleeping poorly makes people crave rich, fatty foods, thus creating a vicious cycle.

The Heart Foundation recommends saturated fat make up only 7% of total energy intake, which translates to around 16 grams per day for the average adult.

New Side Effects of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Used to treat indigestio­n and acid reflux, proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most commonly used drugs in the world. However, they can carry risks: chronic kidney disease was recently added to the list of possible harms from long-term use. (Others include bone fractures and mineral deficienci­es.) An editorial in JAMA Internal Medicine suggested people who have been taking PPIs long-term consult their doctor to determine if the drug is still useful.

Families of Depression Patients Need Support, Too

A Norwegian survey suggests that close relatives of severely depressed patients may succumb to depression themselves if they don’t get enough informatio­n and support. This may be because they’re struggling with powerlessn­ess and the fear that their loved ones may commit suicide.

People suffering from depression are often reluctant to let relatives get involved, but when they are involved, everyone benefits.

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