Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

It’s Not Easy Being Ironic

Nury Vittachi on the challenge of being satirical in a straight world



stopped a friend of mine and asked: “Is this your car, sir?” The driver, a cheery man suffering from advanced irony, replied: “No, I stole it.” Bad idea. It took him two hours to convince them that he’d had congenital sarcasm all his life.

As a fellow sufferer, I concur that this is one scary disease. When applying for a United States visa, I had to fill in a form asking whether I ‘intended to commit terrorist acts’ while on US soil. It is virtually impossible for chronic irony sufferers not to answer “yes” to such a question. Luckily, I was stopped, as

my spouse no longer allows me out of the house unsupervis­ed.

Yet it seems to me that people in general are experiment­al these days, taking risks on big and small scales, just to see what happens. My daughter told me about a guy who went to a high-tech burger shop and asked the order-taking computer for a cheeseburg­er with no meat, no bun, no pickles, no salad and no sauce. Result: it gave him a thin square slice of cheese.

The same week, a reader told me about a judge in the US who set bail for a run-of-the-mill arrestee at US$4 billion just to see what would happen. The process went through unchalleng­ed. I’m sure court staff were mightily amused, although the man’s family probably spent a LOT of time with hands down sofa cracks looking for cash.

These reports reminded me of a story I covered as a travel journalist. The pilot of a passenger plane found an unlabelled button in the cockpit and pressed it to see what would happen. Nothing, as far as he could tell. But it sent a secret signal to his destinatio­n, Manila’s internatio­nal airport, saying that hijackers had taken over the flight. The pilot landed to find the army waiting with heavy weaponry pointed at the plane.

Just a thought: maybe curious people who press random buttons for experiment­al reasons might not be ideal pilot material? “This is your captain speaking. Please return to your seats and put on your seatbelts because I want to try something, yeah, baby.” I once asked a famously irresponsi­ble friend how he could take such huge risks, and he replied: “Because one day the Earth will be sucked into the Sun and humanity will disappear for ever.” It was a good answer, and one I’ve used often, although it doesn’t work on traffic police. I know that now.

The key to good sarcasm, of course, is keeping a straight face. The day before writing this, an impatient colleague pressed the lift-call button twice. I told him: “If you press it three times, it goes into hurry mode.” He gave me a suspicious glance – but pressed it a third time. Score.

Tip: If someone says, “Thanks a lot” to you, and you don’t know if they are expressing gratitude or being sarcastic, simply nod and reply with an equally ambiguous phrase: “Yeah, right.”

It is virtually impossible for chronic irony sufferers not to answer “yes” to such a question

Nury Vittachi is a Hong Kong-based author. Read his blog at

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