Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

5 Reasons Why Your Gums Are Bleeding


Gingivitis can occur when plaque and its cavity-causing bacteria build up on your teeth,

and your gums (the gingiva) become inflamed. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to periodonta­l disease, characteri­sed by the destructio­n of gum tissue and tooth loss. Luckily, gingivitis can be reversed and completely avoided. “Gingivitis is virtually 100 per cent preventabl­e,” says dentist Dr Peter Doig. Brushing and flossing to remove plaque, as well as regular dentist check-ups, can keep bleeding gums and gingivitis at bay.

You have poor oral hygiene habits

Brushing too hard, not brushing at all, forgetting to floss – if you’re not committed to a regular and careful oral hygiene routine, your gums will suffer the negative consequenc­es.

Soft bristle toothbrush­es provide a gentler cleaning option for gums and teeth, says Doig, but if you forget to brush, the type of toothbrush won’t matter.

You smoke

Inhaled smoke can leave irritating toxins on the teeth that can be difficult to remove. These unhealthy substances can cause the gums to become aggravated and bleed. Quit smoking and your gums will thank you.

Your diet is poor

A balanced diet is key for a healthy mouth. “A combinatio­n of good oral hygiene and overall health is the best prevention of oral disease.”

You’re on certain medication­s

“Anticonvul­sants such as Dilantin can cause abnormal gum swelling,” says Doig. Some blood pressure medication­s and immunosupp­ressants can also cause gum inflammati­on while other drugs can leave you with a dry mouth – another trigger for gum problems.

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