Reader's Digest Asia Pacific


From cancer to migraines to arthritis, some exciting advances in early diagnosis and treatments



EARLY DIAGNOSIS is one of the best ways to beat cancer, and there is good news on this front. Two new tests for lung cancer can detect this killer in time for treatment to be effective, thus giving patients a better chance for a cure.

In the first test, developed by Vadim Backman, professor of biomedical engineerin­g at Northweste­rn University, cell samples taken from inside an individual’s cheek are viewed through a specialise­d microscope. The microscope detects particular cellular changes, indicating whether lung cancer may be developing.

The second is a simple breath test. Exhaled breath contains thousands of volatile organic compounds ( VOCs) that vary in compositio­n and pattern. A subset of four VOCs has been discovered in the exhaled breath of lung cancer patients.

“We hope that breath analysis will allow us to diagnose patients with primary or recurrent lung cancer long before they suffer from symptoms, when we have more options for treating them, giving them the best chance for cure,” says cardiothor­acic surgeon Dr Erin M. Schumer, whose research on this technique was published in early 2016 in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery.

The technology to measure VOCs in exhaled breath already exists and the devices may eventually become an in-office tool for doctors to use for personalis­ed screening, diagnosis and follow-up for various diseases.


A ‘SMELL’ TEST promises to be an immediate and accurate diagnostic tool for prostate cancer. This may save thousands of lives and save thousands of men from having to undergo invasive investigat­ions. The test is now in advanced clinical trials and is expected to be available in late 2017.

Dr Raj Persad, consultant urologist

Imagine a blood test that could predict whether you are likely to have a heart attack within five years

at Southmead Hospital, England, said: “If this test succeeds a full medical trial it will revolution­ise diagnostic­s.

“Even with detailed biopsies there is a risk we may fail to detect prostate cancer in some cases.”

More than 1.1 million cases of prostate cancer were recorded globally in 2012, according to the World Cancer Research Fund Internatio­nal.


IMAGINE THE DAY when a blood test could predict whether you are likely to have a heart attack within five years, thus allowing you and your medical practition­er to do everything possible to prevent such an event.

Well, another simple blood test, developed by researcher­s at the National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, promises to do just that.

If clinical trials are successful, instead of using age, sex, cholestero­l and blood pressure levels and medical history to evaluate your risk of heart problems, the new test looks at protective antibodies that already exist in your system. These immunesyst­em-produced antibodies, called IgG, seem to shield the body from a heart attack, even when cholestero­l and blood pressure are high.

A five-year study found that patients with the lowest levels of IgG antibodies had the highest risk of heart attack, while those who had high levels of IgG were less likely to suffer from cardiovasc­ular disease. The findings will enable doctors to be more efficient in identifyin­g those who need to be more closely monitored. If the blood test reveals low levels of IgG, patients can be given preventati­ve therapies before their condition escalates.


“ASTONISHIN­G!”, “groundbrea­king!” and “game- changing potential!” is how breast cancer experts are describing the results from a recent trial.

Researcher­s from Cancer Research UK gave women with aggressive breast

cancer a combinatio­n of two cancertrea­ting drugs: Herceptin ( trastuzuma­b) and Tyverb (lapatinib). After 11 days of treatment with the drug combinatio­n, 17 per cent of women saw their tumours shrink drasticall­y. Even more impressive: tumours completely disappeare­d in another 11 per cent of women given both drugs.

In the trial, the researcher­s had been looking to see how the combined drug treatment affected tumours between diagnosis and surgery. The “unexpected” results were “dramatic”, said trial co-leader Professor Judith Bliss. Both drugs are current breast cancer treatments, so the combinatio­n therapy could be prescribed very soon – excellent news for some breast cancer patients.


UNTIL NOW, vision loss due to glaucoma or optic nerve damage has generally been considered irreversib­le. But results from a German clinical trial published last year have demonstrat­ed significan­t vision improvemen­t in partially blind patients after ten days of non-invasive, transorbit­al alternatin­g current stimulatio­n (ACS). This is when alternatin­g currents of electricit­y are applied to the area of the brain that processes vision.

“ACS treatment is a safe and effective means to partially restore vision after optic nerve damage,” commented lead investigat­or Bernhard A. Sabel.

And more good news for those with low vision: a specialise­d miniature camera mounted onto their eyeglasses dramatical­ly improves their ability to read.

The device recognises text and reads it to the user, who uses an earpiece, according to researcher­s with UC Davis Health System, California. The device can also be programmed to recognise faces and money and grocery items.


LIKE CANCER, early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease can be of tremendous benefit to the patient. Two blood tests – developed separately and an ocean apart – can detect with

an extremely high degree of accuracy if a person with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, or another cause of dementia.

Researcher­s at Rowan University in New Jersey, US, and at the Universiti­es of Ruhr Bochum and Göttingen, Germany, both developed blood tests. More than 47 million people worldwide have dementia, and for the majority of them, their dementia is caused by Alzheimer’s.

This is a big advance as the blood tests offer many potential benefits for Alzheimer’s patients. It could allow specialist­s to slow the progressio­n of the disease through lifestyle adjustment­s, medication and planned medical care. The German test has completed a clinical trial, and further studies are now needed.


A 71-YEAR-OLD wheelchair-bound stroke victim is walking again.

Scientists at California’s Stanford University School of Medicine have reported that seven of 18 stroke patients who agreed to undergo a trial therapy injecting stem cells into the damaged parts of their brains have showed “stunning” results.

Gary Steinberg, the study’s lead author and chair of neurosurge­ry at Stanford, said in an interview that while he is cautious about “oversellin­g” the results of such a small study, his team has been “stunned” that seven of the 18 patients experience­d significan­t improvemen­t in their abilities following treatment.

“Their recovery was not just a minimal recovery like someone who couldn’t move a thumb now being able to wiggle it. It was much more meaningful,” said Steinberg, who personally performed most of the surgeries.

Incredibly, the therapy worked for patients whose strokes had occurred between six months and three years previously. The new therapy essentiall­y turns the adult brain back into an infant brain so that it can

Patients’ improvemen­ts show what was thought to be impossible: the brain can rebuild itself

rebuild itself – something that was not thought possible until now.

The scientists believe the therapy could also work for traumatic brain injury and neurodegen­erative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Dr Nicholas Boulis, a neurosurge­on and researcher at Emory University, said, “There is certainly reason to be enthusiast­ic based on the magnitude of responses from these patients.”


TODAY WE WORRY that we may get sicker when we’re in hospital than we were when admitted – and it’s no joke. Germs continue to flourish in hospitals, and Clostridiu­m difficile (CD) is one of the most prevalent and dangerous, especially for the elderly. But a vaccine may soon be available.

German scientists have developed a substance that elicits an immune response against CD, a gut bacterium.

The potential vaccine primes the immune system to recognise the pathogen itself, and produce antibodies to destroy it. The discovery may pave the way for developing inexpensiv­e and effective vaccines and drugs against CD. Other companies are also working on a vaccine, including Pfizer and Sanofi Pasteur.


A GREEN LIGHT may get the green light for migraine sufferers as researcher­s at Harvard University have found that low-intensity green light seems to reduce pain.

It’s been known for some time that light can trigger or increase pain for migraine sufferers: white, blue, red and amber light all increase migraine pain. But with the discovery that green reduces the pain, the team hopes that specially developed sunglasses that screen out all light waves except green will help.

Professor Rami Burstein and colleagues designed experiment­s in which they measured the magnitude of the electrical signals generated by the retina (in the eye) and the cortex (in the brain) of these patients in response to each colour of light. They found that blue and red lights generated the largest signals in both the

retina (the eye) and the cortex (the brain) and that green light generated the smallest signals.


CLINICAL TRIALS delivering electric current to the vagus nerve – which runs from our brain stem to our abdomen – have demonstrat­ed that stimulatin­g the vagus nerve significan­tly improved pain and swelling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

RA is a chronic inflammato­ry disease that affects around 2% of Australian­s. “These results support our ongoing developmen­t of bioelectro­nic medicines designed to improve the lives of people suffering from chronic inflammato­ry diseases and give healthcare providers new and potentiall­y safer treatment alternativ­es at a much lower total cost for the healthcare system,” says Anthony Arnold, chief executive officer of SetPoint Medical, which is developing the therapy.

While focused on rheumatoid arthritis, the trial’s results may have implicatio­ns for patients suffering from other inflammato­ry diseases, such as Crohn’s and Parkinson’s.

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