Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

The Doctor-Approved Way to Get Rid of Bruises Fast


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, bumps and knocks are inevitable. You hit your knee on the door jamb or take out a bedside table on a midnight trip to the bathroom. Then you realise you have a bruise: how do you get rid of it – fast? Dr Dena Nader has some answers.

Bruises occur when blood leaks out from small blood vessels under the skin, explains Nader, creating that distinctiv­e dark, purplish colour. So the moment you make contact with something, you have to act quickly. Place an icepack or a cold

compress over the area to help reduce immediate swelling. The cold restricts blood vessels, slowing the flow which will tone down the colour of your bruise. Apply the cold ten minutes on, 20 minutes off, several times a day.

What about those times when you happen to notice a bruise and you have no idea how long it’s been there? “If the swelling is gone, you can use a warm compress – essentiall­y promoting the opposite behaviour of the cold compress,” Nader says. “At this stage, heat will prompt blood flow to the area, ushering away any pooled-up blood in the area.”

Generally, bruises clear up within five to seven days, although the length depends on the severity. If you notice pain or tenderness that won’t go away or if you bruise easily, see a doctor as it could be a sign of something more serious.

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