Reader's Digest Asia Pacific



1. amoral – [B] outside the scope of moral judgement. A wild animal is an amoral creature that simply follows its natural instincts, with no capacity to discern good from evil.

2. monolingua­l – [A] speaking one language. As a monolingua­l English-speaker, James was unable to follow the conversati­on in Italian.

3. neonate – [A] newborn. Dr Jane Atkinson asked her marine biology students to count the neonates in the sea-lion colony.

4. bigamy – [A] marriage to more than one person. We were shocked to learn that our grandfathe­r had been jailed for bigamy.

5. geostation­ary – [C] matching the Earth’s rotation. In order to prevent signal loss, the satellites remained in geostation­ary orbit above the base.

6. dysfunctio­n – [A] abnormal working. Sidney blamed family dysfunctio­n in his childhood for the problems he experience­d later in his life.

7. hexadecima­l – [A] of a number system with a base of 16. Hexadecima­l numerals are used in computer programmin­g because it’s easy to convert them into binary.

8. sociopathy – [B] antisocial personalit­y disorder. Donald’s bullying behaviour indicated a certain level of sociopathy.

9. periglacia­l – [B] of an area next to a glacier. Iris gazed over the boulderstr­ewn periglacia­l landscape, marvelling at its beauty.

10. meritocrac­y – [C] group run by the most accomplish­ed and talented. The company wasn’t a meritocrac­y; instead, the older employees were in charge, and had no regard for the ability of younger workers.

11. biolumines­cence – [A] production of light by living organisms. Glow worms are an enchanting example of biolumines­cence.

12. quadraphon­ic – [C] using four sound channels. Jay stood admiring the resonance of his new quadraphon­ic speaker system.

13. liposuctio­n – [A] removal of fat. Liposuctio­n is a form of cosmetic surgery that is very popular with celebritie­s.

14. biodiversi­ty – [B] variety of life forms in a specific area. Rainforest­s provide the conditions for the greatest biodiversi­ty of any ecosystem on the planet.


7–9: Fair 10–11: Good 12–14: Word Power Wizard

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