Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Smoke and Mirrors

Things aren’t always as they seem. You be the judge of these curious terms about the mysterious and unseen.


1. artifice n. – A: clever trick used to gain advantage. B: charm worn to ward off evil. C: ghost.

2. wily adj. – A: shadowy. B: baffling. C: crafty and cunning.

3. ulterior adj. – A: beyond what is openly revealed. B: buried in a pit. C: in fine print.

4. camouflage n. – A: forged document. B: disguise that blends with the surroundin­gs. C: escape tunnel.

5. clairaudie­nce n. – A: faculty of hearing what is inaudible. B: sound believed to emanate from stars. C: speaking in tongues.

6. steganogra­phy n. – A: art of making nonsense seem reasonable. B: communicat­ion using scent. C: hiding a message within another message.

7. ambuscade n. – A: hidden passageway. B: elaborate lie. C: ambush.

8. incognito adj. – A: with one’s

identity concealed. B: silently. C: happening at night.

9. sleight n. – A: use of a foreign language. B: use of dexterity and cunning. C: use of hypnosis to gain informatio­n.

10. illuminati n. – A: people claiming to have special enlightenm­ent. B: spies. C: flashing signals.

11. runic n. – A: difficult to understand. B: to do with an ancient alphabet. C: elusive.

12. equivocal adj. – A: cursed. B: ambiguous. C: malevolent.

13. surreptiti­ous adj. – A: done secretly. B: hidden underwater. C: spoken sweetly to conceal malicious intent.

14. duplicity n. – A: double-dealing with intent to deceive. B: hidden danger. C: psychic ability.

15. argot n. – A: confidenti­al report. B: decoder ring. C: vocabulary of a particular group.

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