Reader's Digest Asia Pacific


Choosing between reading and taking a walk can take all afternoon. It took me forever to choose to write this note.


An inability to make even minor decisions – not just taking your time to weigh your options – is an actual disorder, says psychiatri­st Dr David M. Reiss. It can result in functional paralysis: if you literally can’t decide what to do next, you don’t do anything.

The term for this is abulomania, says psychother­apist Tina B. Tessina. “Abulomania sufferers are normal in practicall­y every other way. They simply run into very serious problems whenever they’re faced with certain choices, to the extent that they struggle to regain normal function.”

It often comes from being raised by such controllin­g parents that the sufferer never learnt how to make decisions, says Ruan. But it can also come from anxiety. In that case, the person becomes so worried about the impact of a decision that he or she simply decides not to decide.

In either case, the sufferer could greatly benefit from therapy or medical treatment. N or N Rating: 7 This behaviour is driving you nuts, but therapy can help.

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