Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

That’s Outrageous



RIDDLE OF THE SPHINX Surprised excavators unearthed something atypical when digging in coastal dunes in California last year: an intact, 136-kilogram Egyptian sphinx head. The statue wasn’t an ancient original but an abandoned prop from the classic 1923 film The Ten Commandmen­ts. The sphinx will get a second shot at fame when the natural history museum near where it was found exhibits the remains.

LOST AND FOUND Nineteen-year-old Gavin Strickland drove from New York to Toronto last year for a Metallica concert, leaving his car in a CBD parking station. However, it took four days, two nights, police assistance and an appeal on the internet before he saw his car again. Unfamiliar with the city, the teen failed to adequately note his vehicle’s location and couldn’t find it when the concert had finished. He eventually caught a bus home, and his parents posted an online ad. A Toronto woman found the car a few days later and was rewarded $100 for her heroic rescue – plus another $100 for a charity of her choice.

BUMP IN THE NIGHT One night last year the Adair family was woken by a crash on the roof. In the morning they found the culprit lying in their yard: two kilograms of sausages, which had seemingly rained down from the sky. An inspection of the roof revealed five more kilograms’ worth of pork-based projectile­s but little in the way of answers. A call to the company identified on the bags was similarly unhelpful; they claim to have neither flown nor shipped the comestible­s. The South Florida family have not reported any further disturbanc­es in the night and hope to avoid any more mystery meat.

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