Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

’Fessing Up


A confession up front: my parents keep asking me to subscribe them to Reader’s Digest and I have been a real cynic about it. So, when the August edition arrived and Mum and Dad were away, in a quiet moment I started flicking through it over a morning coffee. Well, the copy now has sticky tabs highlighti­ng articles.

I am waiting to show my husband (‘Over-Exercising Can Be Bad for You’, ‘Home Improvemen­ts’ and ‘Road Rage’) and some that I want to keep for myself (‘5 Harmless Habits that Could Give You Osteoporos­is’, ‘Can You Spot Fake News?’ and Life’s Like That). I thoroughly enjoyed reading the

wide range of stories and testing my intellectu­al powers with the puzzles. Thanks for compiling such an excellent range of well-informed articles. PIP JAMIESON

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