Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Summer Hazards to Avoid

- BY Susannah Hickling

FOOD POISONING We love barbecues, but there’s a risk that your grilled chicken and salads could make you ill. Don’t leave meat out of the fridge too long in warm weather or bacteria might spread, and make sure it’s cooked right through. Avoid letting raw meat come in contact with other foods via utensils or chopping boards, and wash your hands after touching it. Chill cold foods until serving.

SUNBURN We all know the score, but we can still find ourselves caught unawares. Try to avoid direct exposure to the sun between 11am and 3pm – ideally by staying indoors or in the shade, or by covering up. Use sun cream of at least SPF 30.

WEIL’S DISEASE While rare, Weil’s disease, also known as leptospiro­sis, is spread in the urine of infected animals, such as rats and mice. If you enjoy swimming, fishing or kayaking in rivers, there’s a chance you could catch it. It causes flu-like symptoms initially. These can be treated with antibiotic­s. But leave it and Weil’s disease can potentiall­y lead to liver or kidney failure. To prevent it, shower after being in freshwater.

BITES AND STINGS Attacks by mozzies, horseflies, wasps and the like are unpleasant but the consequenc­es clear up quickly. Wash bites and stings with soap and water, and apply an ice pack to reduce pain. However, some people suffer a severe allergic reaction with swelling in the mouth and throat and difficulty breathing. This requires urgent medical attention.

ATHLETE’S FOOT Dry your feet well after washing them, particular­ly between the toes, to avoid the cracked, painful skin that’s the tell-tale sign of this fungal infection. Pharmacy treatments work but might take a few days. Change your socks daily and avoid shoes which make your feet sweaty.

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