Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Dogs Alone at Home

Preventing and dealing with separation issues

- BY Dr Katrina Warren Our regular pet columnist, Dr Katrina Warren, is an establishe­d and trusted animal expert.

IN RECENT TIMES people are working from home more than ever and, as a result, many pets are enjoying a lot more time with their owners. Our pets have never received so much attention and pet adoption rates have skyrockete­d as people seek enjoyment from extra companions­hip. But what will happen to all these pets when life eventually returns to normal? Veterinari­an Dr Katrina Warren shares advice about how to raise a puppy or train an older dog to be content when you are not around.


Dogs are social creatures and need to learn coping skills to be comfortabl­e being left unattended. Otherwise, they may become anxious when left alone and this can result in destructiv­e behaviour. Teach your puppy to be comfortabl­e alone right from the start, this will help you avoid separation issues down the track. As tempting as it is to let your cute puppy follow you around, this can lead to them becoming overly dependent and potentiall­y anxious when left alone.


This helps keep them secure when you’re not in the same room. Allocate some time each day to leave your puppy alone – after playtime is perfect. Allow them an opportunit­y

to toilet and then give them something safe to chew on to help them settle. If you are planning for your dog to spend time outside during the day, then it is essential that you set this up from the beginning.


It’s important for adult dogs to also spend time alone. When you are home, put your dog outside for short periods while offering a chew toy or encourage them to settle on their bed or in a crate while you move around different parts of the house. Dogs like routine as it makes them feel secure. Setting up and maintainin­g an exercise routine will be important once you start leaving the house more, or your dog may become bored and possibly destructiv­e. This is especially important for adolescent dogs and active breeds. Think about the amount of exercise you are giving your dog now and ask yourself how much exercise you will be able to maintain if circumstan­ces change.


Teach your puppy or dog what is acceptable for them to chew. Only give them toys that are clearly distinguis­hable from household items. Toys stuffed with food are a good option. When you want your dog to have some quiet time, give them a safe chew toy so they learn to associate this time with something positive. When you leave the house, give them a chew toy to help them relax and keep them occupied.


This should include teaching the basics of sit, stay and drop but also teaching them to go to their bed and stay in position when requested. Trick training is also a wonderful way to use any extra time to develop the bond you share.

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