Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

SuperFan Legally Changes His Name


Celine Dion is a huge fan of Celine Dion. “She [is] my go-to person I listen to when I need cheering up,” he told the New York Post. He? Let’s back up. Last Christmas Eve, Thomas Dodd and a magnum of champagne were home alone in central England watching a televised concert given by the Canadian singer-diva. As the 30-year-old Brit drained the bottle, it became clear to him that he loved the crooner so much that he wanted to become Celine Dion.

So he went online and, for a mere $120, legally changed his name. “I honestly, hand on heart, don’t remember doing it!” he says. “I remember watching the concert and getting rather tipsy.”

He became aware of his actions only when he started getting mail addressed to Celine Dion. He says he’s happy with his new name and has no plans to change it back.

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