Reader's Digest Asia Pacific

Test Your General Knowledge


1. Pumpkins are berries. True or false? 1 point

2. What nocturnal bird found in South and Central America is nicknamed the ‘ghost bird’ due to its large eyes and haunting call? 2 points

3. Which Australian city briefly held the names Batmania and Bearbrass before settling on its current name in 1837? 2 points

4. In which Central Asian country is the Darvaza gas crater, a geological formation also known as the ‘Gates of Hell’, discovered in the 1970s?

2 points

5. For security reasons, baristas who work at a Starbucks located in Langley, Virginia, do not take customers’ names with an order. In what US federal building is it located? 1 point

6. The Indian subcontine­nt moves northward about five centimetre­s a year, causing what landmark to grow even taller? 1 point

7. How many time zones exist in

China? 1 point 8. In Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and elsewhere in Asia, pencak silat is a popular type of martial art. True or false? 1 point

9. What historical figure is said to have posted an influentia­l statement on a church door in Germany on October 31, 1571, now known as Reformatio­n Day? 2 points

10. Among what famous wreckage was the rust-eating bacteria

Halomonas titanicae discovered in 2010? 1 point

11. What term, which today describes a person averse to new technology, was inspired by the likely fictional leader of a group of textile workers who revolted against industrial­isation in early 1800s England? 2 points

12. What chemical element within a star’s core gradually decreases, causing the star to appear brighter and increase in size, and become what is known as a red giant? 2 points

 ?? ?? 13. Popular dishes puto (Philippine­s, above), chin som mok (Thailand) and natto (Japan) have what preparatio­n technique in common? 2 points
13. Popular dishes puto (Philippine­s, above), chin som mok (Thailand) and natto (Japan) have what preparatio­n technique in common? 2 points

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