Science Illustrated

New Tech Reduces Bulky Gadget Batteries

Lithium metal batteries are twice as durable as the popular lithium ion batteries.


As 2017 continues, we'll see the appearance of new batter tech, which offers much longer durability than the good old lithium ion batteries. Some of this tech will take years, before it finds its way out of the labs and into our smartphone­s, computers, and electric cars. However, American company SolidEnerg­y Systems' lithium metal batteries are now at such a state of developmen­t that the first ones can be in placed in smartphone­s and smartwatch­es in early 2017. The company promises that its batteries have twice as high energy density as any others. So, a lithium metal battery will be able to power a smartphone for just as long as a lithium ion battery, while taking up half as much space.

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