Seymour Telegraph

Bid to improve regional connectivi­ty

- By Bianca Hall

A new parliament­ary inquiry into mobile infrastruc­ture services across regional Australia will examine the benefits of ‘multi-carrier’ mobile towers.

The House Communicat­ions and the Arts Committee will hear about co-investment, a tool which would allow multiple providers to invest in and share ‘multi-carrier’ mobile towers and related infrastruc­ture.

The majority of mobile infrastruc­ture is not co-located, especially in regional areas.

The rates of co-location for Australia’s major mobile providers dramatical­ly decline as you move from urban to regional and remote areas, to as low as 4.8 per cent in very remote areas

Multi-carrier mobile towers would allow for greater connectivi­ty, something which committee chairman Brian Mitchell said was critical to regional developmen­t.

“It is particular­ly important that we hear directly from our rural, regional and remote communitie­s to hear their views on connecting and staying connected to telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture,” Mr Mitchell said. Better connectivi­ty: Co-investment means multiple providers could invest in ‘multicarri­er’ mobile towers, improving regional connectivi­ty. Photo: Rodney Braithwait­e

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