Seymour Telegraph



Mosquitoes are a common insect that sucks blood from humans and animals. They can carry diseases that may pass on to people through their bites, such as Japanese encephalit­is and Ross River virus.

Major floodwater can remain for days and stagnant water is where mosquitoes can breed.

To help control mosquitoes around your home, follow these tips:

• When you are able, remove stagnant water from around the home so mosquitoes can’t breed.

• If possible, empty flowerpot dishes, tyres, buckets and children’s toys that hold water.

To avoid mosquito bites, wear long and loose-fitting clothing as the insects can bite through tight clothes. You can also keep them out of your home with mosquito nets or insect screens. On exposed skin, use insect repellents that have the ingredient­s picaridin or DEET.

Some groups of people such as those aged over 50, people who spend a lot of time outside, people who live on a pig farm or work with pigs and people who live in certain areas can be vaccinated against Japanese encephalit­is. For more ways to avoid mosquito bites, search ‘Beat the Bite’.

For informatio­n on diseases such as Murray Valley encephalit­is and Ross River virus, search for them on the Better Health Channel website.

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