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One of the most harrowing, moving books I have read. The author draws you into his world with some skill: you almost feel you are on the road alongside the father and his son. I like that McCarthy doesn’t elaborate on what actually caused the apocalypse.

Donnie Darko

A haunting, tense novel that powerfully shows us the bond between the man and the boy.

@ jwk14021

Would I recommend the novel? I’m torn between its faults and its virtues, so only to a voracious reader. McCarthy’s willful ignoring of punctuatio­n is extremely annoying. The novel is also very brief, a fact the publishers go to some length to disguise ( at least in my copy), by using large margins and fonts to increase the page count. The novel is, however, a good depiction of a bleak post- apocalypti­c USA. Neverthele­ss, there are a lot of plot holes – what sort of apocalypse kills off all life except humans and dogs?


My take on the book was that it was one of Cormac’s most hopeful ( for humanity) books. I’m not being sarcastic! Truly, it is a book of survival, not just day- to- day, physical survival but of the human race and the human spirit. Beautiful writing too – a long poem.

Wing Fu Fing

A bleak and yet beautiful book about the survival of love, warmth and humanity in desperate times. Never has a story of a father and son, and the sacrifice and tenderness it entails, touched me so much.

Nigel Ellis

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