

Literary trickery

Release Date: 12 February

208 pages | Paperback Author: Jonathan Barnes Publisher: Solaris

Matthew Cannonbrid­ge

is the world’s best loved author. Wait, what do you mean you’ve never heard of him? He was at the villa in Geneva where Mary Shelley dreamed up Frankenste­in and he wrote The English Golem. He was friends with Dickens. He conferred with Arthur Conan Doyle while writing about the infamous detective, Monsieur Dupin. Cannonbrid­ge! No?

No. Cannonbrid­ge is an invention. Not just for this novel, but in the world of the novel, too. Someone’s been changing history, inserting a new writer into the canon. And while making up Victorian authors might not seem like a particular­ly dastardly plan, it has nasty side- effects. Cannonbrid­ge isn’t just a man. He’s something else…

With a deft narrative woven smoothly through history, Jonathan Barnes’s novel is both smart and creepy. Back in the 1880s, a shadow hangs over Cannonbrid­ge; in modern- day London, a professor who suspects the truth finds himself in mortal peril. The dark forces at work here are seriously dark, and properly mysterious, too; the conspiracy is so bizarre it’ll keep you hooked to the very end.

There’s something gleefully nerdy about the way so many famous authors are drawn into the story, and there’s a wicked satirical sense of humour underneath the narrative. Cannonbrid­ge the writer might not be real, but Cannonbrid­ge the novel deserves to become well- known. Sarah Dobbs Also recently out, and written by Jonathan Barnes: The Judgement Of Sherlock Holmes, a box set of four audio adventures.

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