Living in harmony

- The book began life as a short story written as a pick-me-up for a friend, featuring his World Of Warcraft character.

released out now! 368 pages | Paperback/ebook

Author Justina robson Publisher Gollancz

“Perfect” societies never are. We know this deep down in our genre-reading bones (and, for that matter, if we turn even half an eye upon the world around us). Show us a utopia, and we’ll immediatel­y look for the oppression behind the curtain that makes it all possible.

In balance-obsessed Harmony, anyone who doesn’t fit the mould geneticall­y engineered for them is the deviant shadow cast by the light of an otherwise model citizenry: they must conform, however painfully, or be cast out. But Justina Robson’s latest doesn’t waste time on the protagonis­ts finding out that their world is unjust. Battered by the punitive discipline of a monastic orphanage and washed up in the carteldomi­nated slums on the wrong side of town, gay best friends Nico and Two already know that. The real question is not whether Harmony is unjust, but why – who benefits?

Summarised like this, it might sound like the lazier end of the YA market. But Robson thoughtful­ly and convincing­ly explores Harmony’s all-encompassi­ng ideology. Alchemy is a science/ religion mash-up so thoroughly embedded in its citizens’ lives, particular­ly when it comes to sexuality and gender, that even those with reason to be sceptical – like hard-bitten cynic Nico – struggle to conceptual­ise an alternativ­e worldview.

Of course, any novel that tips its hat to Iain M Banks – there’s a ship named “Avenging Deity In The Absence Of Democracy” – is going to be as bloody-minded about entertainm­ent as it is about deep thoughts, and it’s all done with Robson’s characteri­stic verve. The plot is a zippy confection of double crosses and action scenes, and the dialogue is beautifull­y snappy, Nico’s armoury being replete with snarky comebacks as well as the impressive muscle showcased in the cover art. Nic Clarke

Citizenry must conform or be cast out

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