Bill PoTTs

Doctor Who’s first gay companion is proving to be a breath of fresh air


UK Broadcast BBC One US Broadcast BBC America

It helps when an actor just looks interestin­g. Remember Matt Smith, with his fizzog like a confusingl­y handsome Easter Island statue? Pearl Mackie’s got the same type of features: attractive but unusual. It’s the sort of face you want to examine from every angle.

It’s an incredibly expressive face, too: eyebrows, mouth and nose all jostling for your attention as Bill blasts out waves of joyful enthusiasm, confusion and sadness. Ever since she joined Doctor Who, the series’ emotions have been super-sized. She has a smile that could make sunflowers bloom. She makes the alien vistas awe-inspiring and the scary bits terrifying. She’s a walking collection of Tumblr GIFs, and you can’t take your eyes off her.

Curious and compassion­ate, brave and observant, she’s not afraid of challengin­g the Doctor. She’s straightfo­rward but smart, forever asking questions that are strikingly basic but not, when you actually think

about it, stupid: “Why name your box in English?”, “How much did it cost?”, “Can I use the toilet?” The register of her speech is spot on. Last time Doctor Who tried to create a companion this street-wise we ended up with Ace, a girl with Blue

Peter badges on her jacket and a vocabulary full of “toerag”s and “bilgebag”s. Bill, with her “laters”, “no worries” and “d’ya know what I mean?”s, feels like the real deal. You’ve sat next to girls like her on the bus. Or maybe you are the girl.

There’s an appealing openness to Bill, too. There’s no filter, no front, no presentati­on. She knows who she is – sexuality and all (an aspect of her identity that’s been handled with commendabl­e matter-offact-ness) – and is just happily, unapologet­ically

being. There’s something charming and loveable and just a little bit inspiring about that. This year’s season arc has been totally overshadow­ed. Series ten is all about the Potts. Ian Berriman

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