- tiffsteven­son.co.uk

Favourite SF/fantasy film

It has to be Terminator 2 – I think I was about 12 when it came out. I was on holiday with my parents going to Spain on a ship and had to beg my mum to come into the cinema with me because it was a 15. She fell asleep while I was having my tiny mind blown! Sarah Connor became the benchmark that I would measure strong female characters against. I love her transition from victim in the first film to warrior in the second. It has also left me with a low-level concern about the machines taking over. I’m becoming more and more convinced that my iPhone is becoming self aware.

Favourite sci-fi TV show

Buffy The Vampire Slayer, hands down. I’m a massive Joss Whedon fan – I was gutted when Firefly was axed. Buffy, like Sarah Connor before her was an incredible role model for girls and young women. I don’t know if there has ever been a better female character written than Buffy – she was funny, she was smart, she was vulnerable and she kicked some serious demon ass.

Favourite sci-fi/fantasy comics

More graphic novels than comics; I really love Alan Moore – Watchmen, From Hell, League Of Extraordin­ary Gentlemen. It’s always interestin­g how they adapt his stuff for film. I really liked Zack Snyder’s Watchmen – it was like they used the comic as a storyboard for the film, which makes perfect sense when the source material is so strong.

Sci-fi/fantasy guilty pleasures

Quantum Leap might be seen as a guilty pleasure by some but I’ll just proudly say I LOVE IT!

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