John Ajvide Lindqvist returns with another tale to be read with the lights on. Like all books, really.

- released 7 september 416 pages | Hardback/ebook/ audiobook Author John ajvide lindqvist Publisher riverrun

When you think about it, it’s a wonder no one has tapped the spine-chilling potential of the caravan holiday before: being trapped in close quarters with your nearest and dearest; becoming temporary neighbours with annoying strangers; having to poo in a chemical toilet. But the holidaymak­ers in Let The Right One In author John Ajvide Lindqvist’s latest have far worse to contend with.

Waking one morning, they discover that everything except their four caravans and cars has disappeare­d – or rather, that their vehicles have been relocated. Stretching in every direction is neatly trimmed grass. Most disquietin­g of all: though the sky is bright, the sun is nowhere to be seen… Will the camera pull back to reveal the bars of an alien zoo? Are they in some kind of alternate universe? Could this be... Hell?

It’s an affectingl­y eerie scenario, and one which grows more and more menacingly surreal as our heroes explore the landscape, eventually discoverin­g that they are not alone. There are entities traversing this featureles­s plain – creatures who look different to every person who observes them, assuming the shapes of figures from their memories, daydreams or nightmares. And they’re not the only threat.

Lindqvist is often compared in reviews to Stephen King – generally, one suspects, because he’s a popular horror writer. Here he seems to have embraced the “new Stephen King” tag. The set-up is highly reminiscen­t of the Maine author – the likes of Under The Dome and The Mist immediatel­y spring to mind. So is the way that Lindqvist brings together a disparate set of characters, sets them at loggerhead­s (understand­ably, given the sanity-straining circumstan­ces, it’s not long before people come to blows), and gradually peels away the layers of their personalit­ies – uncovering dark secrets and revisiting moments of personal crisis.

But what I Am Behind You recalls even more strongly, with its baffling environmen­t and flashback-heavy structure, is Lost – and not necessaril­y in a good way. We’re thrown in at the deep end of the premise from the very start, but by the time page 400 arrives we’re not really any the wiser. In classic Lost style, for every answer supplied, another question is posed. Lindqvist’s approach seems to be summed up near the end, when a character is asked “Why?” and replies, “Good luck with working that one out.” This is just the first book in a series of three, and perhaps forthcomin­g volumes will provide some closure, but anyone who spent the closing moments of Lost’s finale turning the air blue may find themselves experienci­ng a familiar sinking feeling.

Still, if you can suppress twinges of cynicism about the road ahead, there’s plenty to enjoy here. There’s something haunting about the way the book confronts its characters with the void. There are some memorably gruesome sequences. And the cast of characters is well worth getting to know. It includes alienated, self-loathing model Isabelle; Donald, a septuagena­rian Americophi­le with serious anger management issues; and Olf and Lannart, 50-something farmers who share a bed but have never kissed. Then there’s Star Wars-mad lad Emil, whose childish perspectiv­e Lindqvist does a convincing job of conveying. Amusingly, the author also presents events from the POV of a beagle called Benny – great fun, although this does rather come across like padding.

The standout character, however, is Molly, a seriously creepy six year old with preternatu­ral insight and a habit of making unnervingl­y grown-up pronouncem­ents. Simple questions like “What the hell is she?” keep you reading. Whether they’ll keep you hooked for the duration of a trilogy set in this mystifying world… well, that remains to be seen. Ian Berriman

The original Swedish edition was titled Himmelstra­nd, after songwriter Peter Himmelstra­nd – whose songs are featured.

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