the gifted The X-Men return to the small screen



THE lAtESt SPiN-Off fROm the ever evolving X-franchise,

the Gifted takes place in a world that fears and hates mutants, with ordinary parents Reed and Caitlin Strucker on the run after their two teenage children exhibit uncanny abilities. their only hope of survival lies with the mutant undergroun­d, a growing unit composed of some familiar names from the comic books, including Polaris, blink and thunderbir­d.

“We’re going to see these two families – the mutant undergroun­d and the Struckers – coming together,” showrunner matt Nix explains. “Over the course of the series, it’s about these two groups struggling to survive, their struggle to keep the mutant undergroun­d going now that they’ve got a target on their back and the family fighting to stay together.

“there are millions of ways a mutant can get into trouble,” Nix continues. “you step out of line even slightly… you use your powers in a way that could be considered dangerous in public… and suddenly you’re on the run. the mutant undergroun­d exists to help those people.”

bryan Singer has become synonymous with the X-Men cinematic universe. He helmed 2000’s X-Men feature film, three of its sequels and was recruited to direct the Gifted’s pilot.

“bryan brings a lot of experience and a lot of scope,” Nix says. “He knows what he likes. He wants it new. He wants it big and he’s unafraid to ask for that. that’s a great asset on a tV series where there’s always this [attitude], ‘Well, can we do it the cheap way?’ When you get a guy like bryan, everybody knows you can’t do that and you have to figure things out.”

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Everyone feels a bit raw after watching Logan. His mutant power was giving intense Chinese burns.
Everyone feels a bit raw after watching Logan. His mutant power was giving intense Chinese burns.
 ??  ?? “Seriously, your favourite X-Men film is The Last Stand?”
“Seriously, your favourite X-Men film is The Last Stand?”

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