- SERINdA SwAN is medusa

In the comics Medusa’s been a hero, villain and matriarch. What’s your sense of her?

Part of the reason I was drawn to her was because she wasn’t born into the royal family. It was a choice. She’s very adamant with her strength and not just being Black Bolt’s interprete­r. She’s not just his sidekick or just his wife. They truly are equals. I love that they built this relationsh­ip together, through time and commitment. Black Bolt is able to be who he is because of her. She walked into that room as a young girl and decided, “Yes, this boy can kill me. But, I’m going to sit here and try to communicat­e with him.”

What’s cool about Medusa’s living hair?

I like that the duality of her beauty, of her sexuality, is also her weapon. The hair protects her. It fights for her. It can be used in everyday occurrence­s. She can use it in many different ways. It’s cool that what people find attractive can be extremely harmful.

How difficult was it to get the head movements right while Medusa uses her power?

everyday things must look like everyday things. But, when Medusa fights, there still must be a familiarit­y with the movements because it’s like a trained fighter. You don’t see someone think. You see them act. I wanted to make sure I got down what it would be like, or how she would move her head and feel, so it didn’t look like she was thinking. It just felt like straight action. Bryan Cairns

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