
released OUT NOW! 1976 | 18 | Blu-ray

Director Ho-Meng Hua Cast li Hsiu-Hsien, Chen Ping, lily Hi, Hua lun

There’s something oddly endearing about the titular terror of this cheesy superhero/ horror hybrid from Hong Kong’s Shaw Brothers Studios. With his yellow eyes, wonky teeth and visible heart, he looks like an eight-year-old’s crayon drawing come to life.

Thanks to a spell, a lawyer who gets about on crutches due to childhood polio acquires the ability to turn into an oily monster, then uses it to seep under doorways for acts of vigilantis­m. Pretty much everything about this raises a smile: the way he must douse himself in oil before transformi­ng; the “superhuman leaps” that reverse a stuntman jumping off a roof; the way his arrival’s accompanie­d by a shameless rip-off of the Jaws theme...

Everything except how indiscrimi­nately violent he is – happy to strangle a female miscreant, or stamp on their face. The film is also uncomforta­bly eager to use rape as a pretext for displaying naked breasts. Though the rapists are punished, it’s clear titillatio­n is the driving force here. Even as ’70s exploitati­on films go, The Oily Maniac is, ahem, crude – and definitely not slick.

Extras Writer Calum Waddell discusses the film’s relationsh­ip to Malaysian folk tales and 1956’s The Curse Of The Oily Maniac in an informativ­e 16-minute talking head; a booklet. Ian Berriman

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