the Book oF luce

- released OUT NOW! 542 pages | Hardback/ebook Author lr Fredericks Publisher Hodder & stoughton Will Salmon

David Bowie looms large in LR Fredericks’s third novel. It’s impossible to read about the book’s gender and identity-fluid rockstar hero Luce and not be reminded of the original Starman. But where Bowie wrote songs imagining otherworld­ly messiahs, Luce might actually be one...

The book’s narrator, Chimera Obscura, met the singer once and was dazzled by his/her life-altering presence. Now she’s determined to find out just who Luce really is, but the quest leads to her being hounded by sinister, possibly even demonic, forces.

Fredericks’s hallucinat­ory novel is equal parts hippy travelogue and pulp existentia­l thriller. Clearly fuelled by a love of the mythology that surrounded the ’60s and ’70s music scene, especially its ties to the occult, it’s a witty and weird tale with shades of both Philip K Dick, and Kieron Gillen/Jamie McKelvie’s comic The Wicked + The Divine.

Chimera, however, grates as a central character. She’s as pretentiou­s as you’d expect with a name like that and, like that guy you met who’d done peyote while backpackin­g during his gap year, she just won’t shut up about drugs. With a story that spans more than 500 pages the book feels padded in places too; a stoned shaggy dog story.

It’s an interestin­g and strange book – just more of a “Pin Ups” than a “Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars”.

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