The POrt Of Peril

Back In Blacksand

- released Out NOW! 285 pages | Hardback/paperback Author Ian livingston­e Publisher scholastic Children’s Books

turn to page 117 if you want a brand new Fighting Fantasy gamebook from national treasure Ian Livingston­e! This is the first new title in a rebooted series, last revived five years ago. Can it deliver more than mere nostalgia?

The language is charming but aimed young: there’s an Enid Blyton-ish naivety about warriors who celebrate victory with a “selection of delicious cakes”. And it’s not an instant thrill ride. You find a treasure map at the outset, but then there’s a tomato sandwich to be made and strangers to pester. The opening resembles the flimsy tutorial level of a videogame.

When you leave town, though, the narrative gains pace. It’s more travelogue than dungeon crawl: you’ll visit Port Blacksand, Chalice, the Moonstone Hills, Darkwood… As you re-encounter characters from City Of Thieves and The Forest Of Doom you can’t escape a shameless “greatest hits” vibe. The final battle is rousing, with the pleasant sense of being among friends – no easy feat for a solo gamebook.

The illustrati­ons are lean and cartoon-like. Artist Vlado Krizan has a modern style that eschews Iain McCaig’s original, rich detail. McCaig provides cover art for the hardback collector’s edition; that’s due in September, for an eyebrow-raising £35.

The Port Of Peril is harmless fun, but despite coming from Livingston­e’s pen it feels like more of a fond tribute than a classic. Dave Bradley

FF classics City Of Thieves and The Warlock Of Firetop Mountain have been reissued. Three more are due in September.

When you leave town, the narrative gains pace

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